setting up a newsletter

setting up a newsletter

Are you interested in mutual aid and community care in the Tri-Cities region of northeast tennessee and southwest virginia? We are too...

My name is Artie, I have set up this website so that you can know what's going on in Tri-Cities Mutual Aid & Solidarity Network!

We used to have a website that was unwieldy to edit and therefore was awash with outdated information. Our operations have always been volunteer-run and so things changed a lot, and therefore our website was always out of date.

We're hoping that a newsletter-forward site will be easier to maintain in a transparent way, and that you can engage and plug in to community care in all its forms.

We also have an asynchronous collaborative space on the platform called 'Discord'. It is like a group chat that can be segmented into smaller channels focused on certain topics, similar to Slack. I highly recommend joining this space and getting accustomed to the platform, as this is where many of our day to day operations happen in a community-led transparent way.

Love & Solidarity,
Artie, Tri-Cities Mutual Aid