about tricities mutual aid

The Tri-Cities Mutual Aid & Solidarity Network is a grassroots coalition of individuals who care about people getting the resources they need. We are local to the Tri-Cities of Northeastern Tennessee, Southwestern Virginia and surrounding areas, with community connections across the Appalachian region.

Sprung out of organizing for community care at the head of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in early 2020, we've found ways to weave scraps of care together from whatever we have ever since. We focus on solidarity and networking between existing community projects, programs, movement work and navigating community resources, where we can assess gaps, strengthen supports, and meet needs where the threads run bare.

Mutual Aid is a practice built on the notion of interdependence, and can take many forms. We hold free stores of food, supplies, clothes out of our mobile free store trailer, facilitate community support and assistance, share skills and resources and more. We love new projects, new ideas and we love strengthening and practicing very, very old ideas.

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